Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Colour me skeptical

Let's get the current story straight.

Last summer, Rahim Jaffer was arrested on charges including cocaine possession. And notwithstanding that the cocaine presumably had to have come from somewhere, Stephen Harper went out of his way to say that the arrest had absolutely no potential impact on Helena Guergis' role in cabinet.

Instead, it took the intervening seven months, plus a direct tip from a private investigator, for it to occur to Stephen Harper that the "purchase and use of drugs" might make blackmail a risk. And at that point, he booted Guergis all the way out of caucus and called in the RCMP.

To which one can only ask: did Harper somehow conclude that Jaffer's supplier was such a fine, upstanding citizen as to raise absolutely no risk that any knowledge might be used against him or his spouse? Or did Harper simply pay absolutely no attention to a risk which he's now declared as serious enough to be worth siccing the RCMP on Guergis?

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