Monday, July 17, 2006

Don't get your hopes up

In his column this morning, James Travers somehow came to the conclusion that Stephen Harper would learn based on this weekend's events to place a higher value on good policy than politics, and as a result avoid embarrassments like his knee-jerk response to last week's events in the Middle East in the future.

Later this morning, Harper proved that optimism to be unfounded, refusing to retract a word of his original comments despite this weekend's G8 diplomatic intervention.

Sadly, Travers and others in the media seem no less resolute in their determination to claim that Harper is willing to be flexible than Harper is in his own infallibility. And there isn't much reason for optimism that anybody is interested in budging from their position anytime matter how often Harper proves his media supporters wrong.

Update: As Woman at Mile 0 points out, it's far from clear that Harper succeeded on the "good politics" angle either. But the "knee-jerk response" part seems all the more certain.

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